Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Greetings from Paraguay! November 12, 2014

We have been here for 3 months! It is hard to believe.  We are jumping into different ministries here, and more importantly getting to know the people.  It is taking time but through helping people, who are sick, encouraging them, serving with them, hearing people’s dreams, taking one who is cut to the ER and living daily life we are starting to make more meaningful connections.

Our big news is that we are expecting our 4th child in May!

These are some of the youth that we are blessed to hang out with.

Lily got to be a part of a women’s encounter last week where God spirit was at work!

Prayer Requests:
We are asking God to give us in roads with the people. Would you ask Him with us?
We are needing to purchase a vehicle for our family. Would you pray for this financial need and possibly considering giving toward it?  We are needing to raise about $15,000 to purchase a used vehicle here.

If you would like to give you can do that online! Go to      Type in our names in the area where it says give to international workers.  Three big needs that we have right now are our “outfit” which is all we need to set up a home in a new country, a vehicle, or our “work” which is ministry expenses.